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Fitness & Nutrition Lisa Delugo Fitness & Nutrition Lisa Delugo

Women Running Series: Maggie Seymour With Run Free Run is Running to Give Back to Those in Need

Maggie Seymour, a Major in the US Marine Corps Reserve and Foreign Service Officer with the Department of State, and (drum roll please)......an avid ultra runner. But not just any runner. She is a runner on a mission. Check out this episode where we talk about her mission and the stigma of running while pregnant. So random! But we go where the conversation needs to take us.

She's a small-town Midwestern girl at heart who believes in the power of hard work, education, community, and carbs. In 2017 she ran across the nation to raise awareness and support for those who supported her during her military career. Now she’s setting out to run across the rest of the 50 states benefitting the causes you care about the most. You can read about that at www.runfreerun.com She is an ACE certified personal trainer and health coach, an RRCA Level II certified run coach, and USATF Level I certified track and field coach with Hart Strength and Endurance Coaching.

In her off the road life, she holds a BA in Political Science, an MA in Military History, an MA in Journalism, and a PhD in International Studies. She is currently working on a Masters in Sociology and a Masters in Joint Leadership. When Maggie is not running she's working, writing, cooking/baking, studying, or chasing after her 1 yr old son with the help of her 11-yr-old stepdaughter and partner.

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